Kyoto Hotel Neighborhood Guide for Visitors
(Where to Stay in Kyoto?)


Easy Kyoto Access by Train/Bus


Kyoto Station Area


Downtown, Shopping & Restaurants


Downtown Kyoto


Views & Sightseeing district


Southern Higashiyama


Other Tourist area


Central Kyoto

Recommendations and Tips for Kyoto Hotel selection

- Find hotels near a Kyoto Station, or near attractions depending on your interest in things to see in Kyoto.

- A convenience store is great for fast, convenient, and economical breakfast/ snacks/ drinks.

- Rooms for more than 2 people are hard to find and more expensive so book early

- Try a local hotel, they tend to offer more value and amenities for your money.
  If you want a traditional Inn experience try a Ryokan.
  They are more expensive but worth the experience if you can afford it.
  Try it out for a one night stay!